How to become a right candidate for the MBA program?
This article is intended for those, who are willing to take the MBA program and have already made some steps in this direction. MBA (The MBA – Master of Business Administration) programs appear first in the first half of XX century in America. In 60s these programs appeared in Europe and gained popularity in the 80-ies.
MBA programs’ demand is increasing every year. More and more people are trying to become participants of this program, especially in the World’s leading business schools, such as Harvard, Stanford, London Business School, Manchester Business School, etc. These programs are popular in Georgia too. A lot of people in our country have a dream of passing MBA program in abroad. For some the dream came true, while the others made some steps in this direction.
Typically, to get in MBA program at business schools is complicated procedure (particularly in successful schools), and consists of several stages. The final stage is the interview with the selection committee, which will ultimately have to decide the fate of your successful enrollment at school or failing.
Business School MBA Program Selection Committee gives great importance to not only the level of the candidate’s academic and professional background, as well as his personality. In reality, there are many methods to show them, whether you are a good candidate. People with experience suggest that you acknowledge what skills, what goals and strong arguments to offer in order to prove that you are the relevant candidate of the school you have chosen.
Below are given some tips to consider how to present yourself to the selection committee of the MBA program:
- Be Honest!
The admission committee always includes professionals. They are quickly realizing, when the candidate is speaking not reality and is trying just to please the Jury. Instead, talk about why you want to study on this program, what are your goals and inspiration, something that you want to gain together with making career and your point of view, why you have chosen this school and the program. It is very significant to have real and well-reasoned arguments and your own point of view around these issues. Don’t waste time, think about it and try to have well-established at least 3 arguments for each issue.
- Be Realistic!
It is one thing to say that you want to become a professional chef, but more important, how it is achievable in conditions of yours. If you have never cooked even one meal during your life, then maybe you are out of reality. You’d better well-evaluate your career goals compared to your experience and skills.
Ask yourself the following questions for self-assessment:
* Why am I so sure that the MBA program is necessary for me?
* What do I have in common with the other candidates of the MBA?
* What type of work is suitable for me after MBA graduation related to my strengths, interests, abilities and skills to the job?
* What kind of business schools, companies and corporate cultures are the most suitable for me?
- Do not only tell just about what you want to get from this program, but also what benefits you can provide for the school.
Co-partners are one of the most important and valuable part of the MBA program during learning process. Program graduates survey revealed that for the quality of studies it’s critical to share experience with you classmates. It has great importance for your further development to what kind of people you will have the relationships in the future.
Try to persuade the selection committee, that you will be a valuable member of the program. It would be nice, if you pay attention to the following:
* To that different knowledge and experience, which you have compared to the other countries’ candidates;
* The competences, which you think, you are the expert in;
* Communications that will help your classmates for their own business development in your country.
- Know as much as possible about the business school and its program, where you are going to apply.
Commission members want to be convinced that you are familiar with the school and deliberately stopped your choice on it. It is, therefore, very important to know as much as possible about the school and its programs. To do this, use the following tips:
* Carefully and thoroughly study the school web site;
* Get to know more about the school and the program related articles;
* Try to find your fellow country-man, who has gone through this school or other similar type of program;
* Subscribe to the school related brochures or books;
* Get to know the school and the program related ratings and evaluations on the various Internet sites (ex: ).
- Pay attention to the school’s culture and corporate values
Whether you are suitable to this school largely determines the school’s culture and its values. Members of the Commission pay attention to how comfortable you feel and how you develop in this society, what benefits you will gain from this school.
The cultural characteristics impact to passing exams at school, but also to further career decisions. Various companies in different fields have a unique culture. In accordance, you must consider what type of industry or company you wish to work with in future. To do this, you only need to think about your choice in the field of specialty, and then choose the appropriate school, that most likely focuses in the direction you need. To get information about the school culture is possible with above mentioned similar ways. In addition, if possible, visit the school campus, which will further help you in making a right decision.
We wish you a successful choice!